Create great looking data visualisations in minutes

Futuremaps™ is a co-create project by Futurehand Ltd. and Oxfordshire County Council

Got data? Tell your story.

Futuremaps makes open data usable and useful. Add your own data and easily create visualisations, in minutes.

Easy to use

Futuremaps is easy to learn, so you can produce insights at speed.


Your data stays in the browser and never hits our servers, keeping your customer data safe.

Looks great

Create high quality visualisations to help tell your story and make data driven decisions.

Open data

Futuremaps includes open data sets, ready for you to just drop in and use.

Bring your data

Drag and drop your own data in and it gets mapped, instantly.

Save money

No need for expensive, complex tools, get mapping and visualising from the off.

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